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/ARCHIVE/ ..."a time travel"

[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory 
[DIR]LATEST/Latest community site
[DIR]8_old-website_2006-02-11/2006-02-11 /// site screenshot (rendered in Safari)
[DIR]7_old-website_2006-02-06/2006-02-06 /// site screenshot (rendered in IE)
[DIR]4_old-website_2004/2004 /// pre-launch page (notifications)
[DIR]6_old-website_2004-2005/2004 - 2005 /// pre-launch site (notifications)
[DIR]5_old-website_2004-2005/2004 - 2005 /// pre-launch site (notifications)
[DIR]3_old-website_2004-06-11/2004-06-11 captured at 18:59:30 /// old info site screenshot
[DIR]2_old-website_2004-06-10/2004-06-10 captured at 19:31:23 /// old info site screenshot
[DIR]1_old-website_2003/2003 /// pre-launch site (1rst info pages)

ABOUT US: MyAegean is a non-profit voluntary initiative by students of the University of the Aegean,
an open-for-participation group of students, with an informational and cultural focus on their activities,
which facilitates in the context of the University of the Aegean's student groups.

INFO: The above listing follows the ISO 8601 standardization on presenting dates and times (YYYY-MM-DD) of the website versions.

# Concept, Development, Design, Organizing stuff by group of students of the University of the Aegean, Greece.                #
# "MyAegean" student team, founded on spring 2003, originally initiated in Syros island, Cyclades, Greece.                    #
# This message is placed for future references.                                                                               #
# Thank you all for your continuous passion, support and hard work! We feel indebted to all people involved on this project!  #